Monday, April 5, 2010

little things.

Baby steps... that's how all great things start.
Crawl before you walk. Walk before you run.

Little things really are what matter most. Honestly, the little things in life are what make it worth living. Little things create true happiness. Long-lasting, genuine happiness. From the outside looking in, what seems to be an insignificant, run-of-the-mill moment... could mean the world to the soul that it warms. What seems to be worthless... just might be priceless.

And what seems to be a baby step might just be the biggest leap you have ever taken.

And isn't it amazing how one tiny event, one small coincidence, can alter so much from that moment on?

"a coincidence is just when God decides to remain anonymous."

Have you ever looked back on a moment and thought... "if that had not happened... my life would be completely different today." And its like a domino effect. The changes pile up and your life is suddenly developing in a totally new direction. Changing at an exponential rate.

Don't slam on the brakes. Just take a deep breath. And baby steps.
Focus on the little things. Build strong foundations. Get the small things right, and the big things will fall into place. The big picture will apear right before your eyes, because really the big picture is simply a collage of all the little things.

well... maybe not so simple. but beautiful, nonetheless. Beautiful because it is.

1 comment:

  1. Incredibly insightful!
    It's very cool to be able to look back and see God's fingerprints all over the map that brought you to where you are now.
    For me personally, I can trace every great thing in my life back to a singular event during my Junior year of high event over which I had NO CONTROL.
    Sometimes it's comforting to know that we're not the ones in control.

    Keep writing, and I'll keep reading!

